Tova’s financial tips for 2019
By Theresa Tova
Theresa Tova
ACTRA National Trea$urer and ACTRA Toronto President
The new year is a time when some of us think about resolutions and new ways to improve our health and our lives. It is also a great time to freshen up our financial portfolios.  

Tip #1
A good start is to make sure you’ve joined the rest of our membership who’ve signed up for ACTRA PRS direct deposit. With direct deposit you’ll receive your ACTRA PRS money directly into your account without any delay! ACTRA PRS is the ACTRA division that collects and disburses Use Fees and residuals. Last year we disbursed over 12 million to performers. Remember ACTRA PRS cheques are now mailed just once per year so direct deposit makes sense and cents. If you receive your payments through your agent, don’t worry as agencies can sign up as well! Just confirm with your agency to make sure it’s on board. Please make sure we have your current email address on file. Visit for more information. 

Tip #2
Our fraternal organization, Actra Fraternal Benefit Society (AFBS), is a tangible example of how our creative community takes care of its own. Founded by ACTRA members in 1975, AFBS has since evolved to become the member-owned, federally incorporated insurance and retirement plan provider it is today and serves over 17,000 performers and screenwriters across Canada. Canadian creators have built one of the best safety nets in the world with AFBS. You can access your AFBS account online at Keep an eye on key AFBS deadlines for: voluntary RRSP contributions, Members’ Insurance Program Renewal, and extended health care, prescription drug and dental care expense claim submissions. And, by the way, tax free savings accounts (TFSA) are also available at AFBS. You can make contributions to your AFBS RRSP or TFSA accounts online. 
Money can be complicated and intimidating… NEED HELP? The AFC’s free Financial Wellness Program pairs you with high-quality financial counsellors from Credit Canada who are well versed in what it means to make a living in the arts. Sign up at
Tip #3
Banking on our future is the reason why the Creative Arts Savings and Credit Union (CASCU) was established by us: to serve creators. Unlike big banks, CASCU is member-owned and democratically run. Its financial successes are shared with credit union members. Formed in 2008, CASCU is a national credit union catering to artists and other entertainment industry workers – including members of ACTRA, NABET, DGC and WGC to name a few – who are seeking mortgages and loans at competitive rates. Visit for more details.

ACTRA is building a new and improved digital online presence which not only saves trees but it also saves our union money. ACTRA members now pay dues online and, for the past four years, we’ve also been conducting referendums online on the ratification of our renewed national collective agreements. (please make sure we have your current email address on file!)

Finally, the dawn of a new year is also a great time to ensure your performer digital profile has been updated – log-in to and make sure your profile is up-to-date so you don’t miss out on any work opportunities!

Voluntary RRSP Contributions for 2018
March 1, 2019 (can be done online!)

RRSP Tax Receipts Issued (Mar - Dec 2018 contributions)
First week of February 2019

Members’ Insurance Program Renewal
March 31, 2019
Claims Submissions for Prior Benefit Year
May 31, 2019

ACTRA National
625 Church Street, 3rd floor,
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2G1

Phone 1-800-387-3516
(416) 489-1311

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